Vote for a Person of Principals not another Party Politician
Below I have dissected the numbers to help liberate minds from the 2 party system fear mongering done by party bosses to keep our expectations of elected representatives as low as possible. Please look over the sheet and feel free to ask questions of my logic. As I see it unless 15% of Republicans and 20% of Independents who lean conservative stay home there is little the DFL can do to stop the conservatives in this district. The only ones who can stop us is ourselves by not showing up. Please vote your conscience as that's what I will be doing when elected your State Senator.

Why I am continuing as a write in candidate for SD9

A lot has been said about my intentions but I would like to make one thing clear. This is the first page from the challenge attempted at the SD9 endorsing convention. It should not matter which camp you are or are not in when it comes to this race, we should all desire transparency.
My write in candidacy is about one thing. Truth and integrity. Why was I told by OTC credentials that they would not open any caucus documents when we took our short intermission at the SD9 endorsing convention? Instead Mr. Merickel attempted to convince me to check the names in a spread sheet on his computer. No thanks!
Do we as republicans really not care about voter integrity like we say we do? Why then can we not do a simple comparison with the other outstanding precincts?
Jordan and OTC leadership have the ability to make this happen but instead it appears their solution will be to have closed door meetings and convince you, the good people of SD9, to give them your hard earned money to help fight for his political career rather than having a simple 2 hour meeting to compare the paper delegate lists against the spread sheet delegate list. Lets get to the bottom of this we all deserve the truth.
"Nathan is selfishly splitting the vote giving the seat to the DFL"
I hear this at least 3 times a day. Let's discuss a couple facts about our new district
It has 4.5 counties with 183 precincts. Douglas (17), Grant (23), Ottertail (91), Traverse (20) & Wilkin (32)

Election results for the 183 precincts that make up the new Senate District 9
2022 Primary
highest turn out in the state for R votes out of all MN Senate races
Rasmusson - 5738
Miller - 5385
Walker - 3111
2020 General
MN State Senate
Most Republican votes of all races
R - 34436 (if divided by 2 = 17218)
D - 15543 (DFL still loses to both R's)
President - 33615
US Sen - 30618
US Rep - 27859
MN Rep - 34063
2018 General Republican votes
No MN State Senate Race
MN Rep race had most R votes.
R - 24107
D - 14525
US Sen - 20157
US Sen - 22297
US Rep - 19420
MN Gov - 23259
MN AG - 23459
MN Sos - 23157
The numbers tell us all we need to know: we really have nothing to fear as this race is completely within our control. Those of us within the Republican party just need to turn out to vote. Clearly the 2020 election proves with it's 87%+ voter turn out that we have the strength to win this thoroughly red portion of the state. I believe both myself and Rasmusson can beat the DFL this year. As long as we the voters are not lazy and actually go to the polls on November 8th. I will not be backing off of this caucus issue we deserve the truth on this matter. If there is nothing to hide then MN GOP and the OTC republican leadership should be clamoring to get this issue resolved. Clearly their refusal to open the original caucus delegate sheets will prove something they don't want any of us to see. This is the only reason you have a write in candidate this election cycle. Tell them all to stop the cover up, compare the originals to the computer generated spreadsheet so we can move on as a district. This would take a couple hours at most. In the mean time do not give them a red cent. This will cost them nothing except the truth. The sooner the truth is brought forth the sooner we can move on.
??Was the new 2022 ratio for delegates the plan to stack OTC??
An interesting piece of information that many people do not know about or maybe care about is how the number of delegates are determined in our counties. The number is done on a ratio from the prior election's votes for the republican candidates. Now this ratio historically has been a 30 or 60 (R) votes to 1 delegate determination and that was the ratio at which the counties of Douglas (60:1), Grant (60:1), Wilkin (60:1) & Traverse (30:1) all went with again this year.
Now Ottertail County, who as I understand has always used the same 60:1, ratio decided to switch this year to a 90:1. At face value that doesn't seem to be too big of deal. We are after all the largest county by population, we have the most voters so upping the ratio seems logical, right? Well for a group of leadership who are trying to defend their move to add names after caucus and saying things like,"we need to grow the party." Or "We want as many people on the delegate lists as possible, poor turnout doesn't look good, we need more grassroots involvement." It would appear counter intuitive.
So then if we want as many people as possible why would you reduce the amount of delegates and grassroots openings for delegates and alternates?
1. Could it be that with the other county's delegates at a lesser value and OTC reducing the number of their own delegates but increasing the strength of their voting power that it has a desired outcome?
2. Could it be that they didn't dare leave anything to chance thus by having fewer OTC delegates they could line up as many friendly delegates to their candidate to ensure an endorsement victory?
3. But when Caucus is on a bitter cold night in February and not all the friendly delegates can leave the comfort of their home to attend, what else can be done in order to keep order, surely they could not have this senate race left up to chance or fairness, there is just too much at stake, isn't there?
Again I say bring forth the original caucus sheets and let's compare them to the delegate list spreadsheet. We deserve the truth. Sadly it appears as though Ottertail County leadership is content with allowing the other 92 precincts in the "less valuable" counties to pay for their transgressions rather than answering for themselves. Do not bail out OTC republicans with your money! All they need is to provide transparency and truth on this matter. They will use your money to cover their tracks and turn this into a campaign cry for help!
Resolution to unify: I proposed this 10 days ago to OTC GOP
On October 4th, 2022 I sent this email to the Chair (Ben Anderson) of the BPOU in Otter Tail County in an attempt to reach a solution. If they really cared to unify us you would think they would want to come to a resolution but the only response I have received is the same one you all have seen in the form of their computer generated signatures at the bottom of the letter they posted to facebook. The one they are trying to scare everyone into sacrificing their convictions for the sake of the party. Do not come to me and try to pressure me into stepping aside or suspending my campaign. The OTC GOP leadership have made this bed and now we all get to go down with their "must win at all costs, end justifies the means" mentality. Maybe if enough of you reach out to them on their new and improved website and suddenly operational social media you may get the results. They will slow play this to make themselves appear reasonable but have no intentions of getting to the bottom it.
Ben, I understand being an unendorsed candidate that I have operated outside of the OTC Republican party's graces. I have spoken with a couple other chairs and a few people about the issue of the 26 names and the caucus discrepancies. I have been asked the question about what it will take to unify or get a concession from my write in campaign. I wanted to speak directly to you and let the other chairs see it as well so there is no misunderstanding. The word 'audit' has been used too much in regards to this issue. I hope everyone understands all I am looking for is a comparison of the original caucus documents to the delegate spreadsheet. It wouldn't take long and I am willing to meet up ASAP to rectify this problem by way of a transparent, honest examination of the original sheets. However, I do not believe the act of adding names to caucus delegate rosters after caucus night is going to go away on its own. Therefore, I would need to see an amendment to our OTC BPOU constitution strictly forbidding the practice of adding after caucus night. Also because the Credentials Committee was either the group doing it or was complacent in the 26 name discrepancy situation there must be a consequence for such actions. I certainly did not caucus that night to give way to delegates who did not show up because they are known confidants of leadership or whomever made the decisions to make the changes. Once the credentials committee is censured from all SD9 positions, (including delegate and alternate status) for the remainder of this redistricting period then I would agree to move forward and do a complete transparent comparison. Once we sit down and do the comparison with Jordan and myself present along with 3 individuals of our choosing we can move forward. If the other 61 precincts prove to have no additional names added or changed compared to the original caucus sheets. Then I will stop my campaign and end my run for SD9 (barring the other two above mentioned remedies go into effect first, censure and amendment) If more discrepancies are found then we will have to address it in the following manner: Jordan and I agree to abide by a single order of business endorsing convention. All illegitimate delegates and alternates are removed We do a convention call here in October and have 1 vote. Simple majority wins no ratio's needed so unless it is a dead tie we won't need to vote again. The losing candidate withdraws from the election. People can still have time to go in and change their vote for the mail ins. I understand if JR wins I concede and we have one candidate. If I win JR concedes and we have one candidate. I know this seems like a lot but when it comes to voter trust it is a small price to pay. I can already hear the scoffing from everyone but this is the right way to handle this situation. We are blessed to be in a conservative stronghold and either of us can easily win if the other is gone. If the turnout is high enough (like 2020) we both can actually defeat Cornell and the DFL, that's a fact. I have one final issue I need to address with you. That is this sham of fundraising that I see from Jordan. It is wrong for him or the OTC republican party to support this racket. He doesn't need money to settle what has brought me into the race again. All we need is truth and honesty. I find it appalling that any of you chairs would go along with this practice. Using the constituents hard earned money to cover for JR is a serious issue of morality. The reason my campaign is igniting like a wild fire is because we care about county and country over party. We have to exorcise the "must win at all costs" mindset. This is simple elementary competition ethics, it is better to lose with honor than win with disgrace. I understand politicians losing sight of this because they get a taste of popularity and power but you are all supposed to be the compass to help remind them of what it means to be a public servant, of honor and integrity. We are the ones who hold them accountable and chastise them in house and correct these issues before they take it out to the public and further ruin the state or crush republican reputation and voter trust simultaneously. We must stop selling our souls, convictions and the truth in order to win a political game! Ben as chair I implore you to do the right thing. I have no intentions of dealing with MN GOP on this matter, to me this is a county issue that we can take care of here in Senate District 9. I feel some regret for the other 4 counties that are drug along through this as they do not have the issue our OTC BPOU does and now they are paying some of the price, it is unfortunate to say the least. I may be the fool here attempting to reach a resolution on this and believing that I will be taken seriously or get a fair shake with people who are so entrenched in the party. I know you must all hate me for continuing but that will not deter my search for truth and transparency surrounding this issue. If you decide to forget about this email that is fine I will continue running this race to the best of my ability, with every intention to win. If you would like to have a meeting to discuss further I will attend if invited or we can talk about it another time. I hope you will take what I have asked into consideration and take steps to resolving this. Sincerely, Nathan Miller Battle Lake MN Please FWD to Chris Gulbranson (I do not have his email)
My full response to the complaint as sent to the News outlets
Just in case you wanted to know my full response to the Fergus Falls Journal any other local media this is what they were all sent. You can be the judge if I was fairly represented and the context of my response was captured. Having just received (10/17/2022) and read (@ 10:30 this morning) the "complaint" that has been filed against me by the Republican Party of Minnesota . I am convinced the people of SD9 will see this ploy for what it is. An attempt to draw the attention away from the fraud committed after the election of delegates at the precinct caucuses February 1st, 2022. The complaint boils down to another entity’s flier that was posted to my campaign's website that said “Republican Party” behind my name for an event held this past Saturday. The other infraction claimed is about a couple items posted on the Miller for SD9 Facebook page prior to the primary election that displays the word "Republican” apparently ignoring the fact that my elected position as a Republican delegate from Eagle Lake township is undeniable. Also my registered party affiliation with the state of Minnesota for that primary is “Republican”. This is exactly the establishment kind of tactics that turn people off from politics and being involved in their government. These frivolous antics encourage the sue happy nation to thrive while discouraging trust and participation. Rather than bring forth the original caucus documents that have been repeatedly requested since March 19th, 2022 the Republican Party of Minnesota and of Otter Tail County and my Republican opponent's campaign would instead prefer to tie things up in a bureaucratic process. The attempt to make some form of scandal out of this is laughable at best. Instead of virtue and honor they’re weapons of choice are deceit and election fraud after the caucus. This attempt to tie my campaign up in this minor complaint filed against me is an unnecessary waste of time and resources. If this infraction felt so wrong and worthy of all this attention they could have easily made a phone call or sent an email but that’s not sensational enough. It simply would not make the front page of the local newspaper. I always have been and will be a republican who believes in the constitutional republic form of government that this Country was founded on. If they want to make sure I use a small “r” now that it is after the primary because capital R "Republican", is property of the “Republican Party of Minnesota” just let me know. Kind of like I let OTC Republican Party Chair know on October 4th 2022 via email of my proposed "resolution to unify", I presume this is their response to my effort to solve the issues that have me a write-in candidate in this race. I have never claimed to be the "endorsed" Republican party candidate in this race. If 99% of my campaign materials have said "constitutional conservative" and this minor oversight by my campaign in reference to the word "Republican" causes this much of a stir it's no wonder this state is in the current position it is. This majoring in the minors by the Republican Party is what will lead to a DFL win this fall. A noble thought: Again I propose my campaign and my Republican opponent's campaign take a couple hours to compare the original caucus documents to the delegate list given to candidates from the Republican Party in March 2022. We must have truth and transparency here at the county level if we ever expect to achieve it at the state and federal level. Refer to the campaign website MillerforSD9.com and the Facebook page Miller For SD9 to gain better understanding of this situation. Nathan Miller Write-in Candidate for SD9
My name is Nathan Miller; I am a Christian, a husband and father who lives on a small 40–acre farm south of Battle Lake, Minnesota. Both, my wife and I each own a small business, have been born and raised in Western Minnesota, and now raise our three young children here as well. I have worked in the power and energy industry since attending college for it in Bismarck, North Dakota, graduating in 2006. Even though I have used my leadership skills as an operations manager in different energy facilities in the state, I am blue collar to the core. I still hold my trade boilers license and work in boiler rooms around Minnesota.
Since the July 2020 decree came down from our petty tyrant Walz, I have continued to live free of masking in Minnesota. Instead, I choose to wear my own PPE (personal protective equipment) not an N95, but an XDM 9mm, compliments of the second amendment, just about everywhere I go.
I humbly ask for your support as a delegate or voter. I'm asking for the privilege to be your state senator here in the new and most conservative senate district Minnesota has to offer, SD9. I am not a politician, instead a patriot. I will work to the best of my ability to represent our conservative values and principles in St. Paul. As with any transition into a new job, there can be learning curves. I know I have the conscience, character and strong will to tackle the upcoming challenges. Plus, my greatest asset will be you my neighbors, countrymen and constituents. Join me and let's be on the right side of history together.
Nathan R. Miller
Candidate for Minnesota State Senate District 9
To put it bluntly, I am running because I am fed up. I have had enough of the fear mongering by the left along with their favorite allies, weak Republicans, especially when it comes to viruses, vaccines, masks, increased crime, and self–inflicted economic hardship. I can't stand to listen to another politician or agent of "justice" call concerned parents or patriots "domestic terrorists" or "white supremacists". I won't sit idly by any longer as our elections are disgraced by greed and power hungry individuals who will never play fair. I'm tired of being over–taxed, only to have our money held hostage by do–gooders in St. Paul. I believe it's time to deliver a constitutional conservative from "rock and cow" country to the capital in order to restore a semblance of common sense, true constituent representation, and godly conviction.
I often tell people I am determined to leave my children with a freer and more prosperous country than the one I was given. Truth, family, and the principles our Founding Fathers sacrificed greatly for are under attack. I say no more! The time has come for we the people to be liberated from our slumber; to be free of the establishment, and to start a revival of mind, heart and soul in St. Paul. I want to help by championing life (from conception), liberty and the pursuit of happiness in order to resurrect our state from what the Walz administration has been destroying over the past two years.
I will hold the bureaucrats accountable, help drive out tyranny, and stand firm for all that we hold dear in Western Minnesota. I will not work for a party, lobby or anti–American agenda; I will be a voice for grassroots, working for you the people.

Here is a look into our everyday life. This is who we, the Millers, are before any thought or decision had been made to run for State Senate.
Ever since I have known Nathan, he has been a man of faith, integrity, grit and strong convictions. He has a heart that loves America, our Constitution, and the principles that this great nation was founded upon. Nathan is an incredible family man who continues to raise our children with intention.
We aren't perfect and will never pretend to be. Yet, we are a family who love the Lord, love each other, and are grateful for the strong roots with which we were both locally raised. Since our first child was born, Nathan has grown ever more passionate about passing down a greater America to our children.
Strong families make a strong nation, and I believe Nathan will be a great voice for our district and communities. The reason that I whole-heartedly believe this, is that first-hand, I have seen him steward his family so well.
All website photos were taken before our State Senate decision run began. We want you, our supporters, to have a true, authentic look into who we are.
Anna Miller
Wife of Nathan Miller

Taxes - Every tax should be called into question as to its purpose and usefulness. I firmly believe the income tax, social security tax, death tax and property taxes should all be abolished. There is only one true way to shrink government and that is by reducing its pocket book.
Election Integrity – Voter ID is a must. Paper ballots are a must. Provisional ballots must be used. Voter registration rolls must be maintained and cleaned. We need to end membership in the left wing created ERIC system. If our elections are not safe and secure, the 2020 election is bound to repeat itself. As a prior election judge myself, I would stand firm to hold officials accountable because without fraudulent free elections we essentially lose our republic. Cheaters must be held accountable.
Health Freedom – Vaccines and shots should never be imposed on a person by their government or employer. I believe these are private decisions that do not include the heavy hand of the government pushing its agenda into our arms. Our government needs to stop handing out “Get out of Jail Free” cards to big pharma by absolving them of responsibility.
Life – I believe life starts at conception. I would never vote for a bill that would fund, promote or support the eugenics being practiced by the likes of Planned Parenthood or any other “health care” group that would find these practices to be acceptable. I would whole heartedly vote in favor of any bill that would stop, end or outlaw this atrocity against our future generations.
2nd Amendment - I live it folks. I open carry just about every where I go. I am in support of Constitutional Carry. Our Constitution makes every county and city in Minnesota a 2nd amendment sanctuary and thus should be treated as such. No red flag laws. No to nationwide gun databases. No to waiting lists. I will never vote for any form of gun control.
Emergency Powers – Never again should the governor have the ability to unilaterally shutdown our private businesses and stall our economy. The last two years have been an example of government running amuck, using fear as its prime tactic to move forward against our liberties. Now I do understand there may be a time when the governor needs to call out the National Guard to respond to something quickly, say perhaps rioting and looting of our cities, so under those circumstances I understand a need for fast action. I would be alright with a 72 hour emergency powers for only responding to crisis of war before needing to get legislature approval to continue the emergency. No marshal law, no patriot act, no destruction of our lives, our ability to travel freely or killing our economy.
Unelected Bureaucrats – No more. Fire the unelected bodies that suck the life blood from the hard working small businesses with their regulations. We need to get it through to these agents that they still work for their neighbors fellow citizens. All the administrative personnel need to be reminded that they are subject to the will of the people as well. This means having an active legislature that is willing to call them out for their decisions, have hearings and hold them accountable.
Religious Liberty – We should all be allowed to practice our freedom of religion as we see fit. Our country was founded on the virtues that confirmed the existence of a Divine Creator. I firmly believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in His free gift of salvation. I believe the 10 commandments; prayer and other forms of recognition or reverence to the Lord should not be torn down or banned. Instead these symbols are for we the people to recognize that as a nation we will not thrive if we cannot be free to express our religious convictions. Founder John Adams explains it well in his famous quote: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” I’ve always understood that message warns us that as the people of our nation we need to be of good moral fiber, having Godly conviction and wanting to do unto others as we would have done unto us.
Miller For SD9 is so appreciative that you would like to get involved. There are so many ways for you to help Miller For SD9 push for change, and become part of making the community a better place. Whether you would like to volunteer your time or you are looking to make a monetary donation, Miller For SD9 really appreciates all of your efforts.
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Inspired by the Spirit of 1776
WHY WRITE IN MILLER FOR SENATE DISTRICT ? 1.I am a believer in Divine Providence like our forefathers. In Christ alone our hope is found; from this one truth is how I govern my own life, how my wife and I raise our children and how I know that leadership can only succeed through a servant’s heart. 2.Not a politician. Nor do I aspire to be one. We must break the cycle of business as usual politics, it continues to divide us and destroy our constitutional republic. a.Never take a dime from a lobbyist or PAC, individual donations only. b.We must pass term limits. c.We need to remove party affiliation from our ballots. 3.Conservative Constitutionalist & Common Sense a.We must stop the over bearing regulations imposed on us by over spending. We have to bring back American Exceptionalism by way of building things here in our own state, promoting businesses to stay and be more an exporter than importer. b.The Constitution does not need to be rewritten. We the people have all the tools we need from our founders to continue to promote and return the sacred cause of liberty to the hearts of our posterity. I will never support an attack on our bill of rights. c.I can’t put my Ram in the barn with another Ram and expect one of them to get pregnant. My flock of livestock will not grow with these practices and I would not be a shepherd for long. Truth doesn’t follow our feelings or an agenda it simply is the truth. I will carry this common sense with me till the day I die, not yielding to the newest “science” or to the democrat/socialist agenda. 4.Change takes action a.Have you become exhausted of the entitlement that our parties and politicians have; what have they really done to earn our votes and support? I sure am! b.Can you see the hypocrisy oozing from the upper echelon of government? I can! c.Do you believe that we are all going to die from ice caps melting or the CO2 we expel that plants need for photosynthesis or that we will all suddenly choke to death from the methane coming from the rear of our neighbor’s dairy cows? I don’t! Folks the time has come to make a change. Let’s break off the chains of this political system the two parties love to hold us under. WRITE IN NATHAN MILLER for truth, unwavering conviction, transparency & integrity. I will never be bought, now that’s real change!

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You may also mail contributions to:
Miller for Senate
PO Box 298
Fergus Falls, MN 56538
If you have questions, please call: 612-616-5839.